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大家好!期待已久的Metrolink 中國城博物館之旅即將啟程。我們將於12月8號上午8:40在Rancho Cucamonga 車站(地址:11208 Azusa Ct, Rancho Cucamonga) 集合,成人當日票價每人$10, 18歲以下孩童不用錢,當日來回火車班次會隨信附上。

我們目前安排抵達union station 後走路約15分鐘,先到中華會館附近照相參觀並用午餐,大約1:00pm 離開中華會館,前往另一個集合地點,1:30pm會有專人帶領導覽El Pueblo Tour,大約1小時,之後大家可以對有興趣的地方再去多瞭解,走走逛逛照相。我們可搭乘3:38pm或4:38pm回到Rancho Cucamonga.  當然若家長們還有興趣帶孩子去其他的地區(如小東京、韓國城等),當天的車票都已經包含在內,無需再額外支付費用。

車票家長自行於網上或是當日車站購買皆可。午餐會在中華會館用餐,費用大人每人$15, 學生每人$10。請大家可以zelle 轉帳至學校 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 並註明你孩子的名字,或是本週至學校辦公室繳費。請大家事先繳費,以方便我們預知人數,可以預先訂購餐點,謝謝大家的配合。



Dear all parents, 

Greetings! The long-awaited Metrolink trip to Chinatown and the museum is just around the corner. We will meet on December 8th at 8:40 AM at the Rancho Cucamonga Station (address: 11208 Azusa Ct, Rancho Cucamonga). Ticket prices are $10 per adult, and children under 18 ride for free. A schedule of the round-trip train times is attached to this email. 

 Here’s the plan: After arriving at Union Station, we will walk approximately 15 minutes to the China town area. There, we will take group photos, explore the surroundings, and have lunch. Around 1:00 PM, we will leave for our next meeting spot, where a guided El Pueblo Tour will begin at 1:30 PM, lasting about an hour. After the tour, you are free to explore, take photos, or revisit areas of interest. We plan to take either the 3:38 PM or 4:38 PM train back to Rancho Cucamonga. 

 If you’d like to explore other areas such as Little Tokyo or Koreatown, your train ticket for the day covers unlimited rides with no additional cost. 

Parents can purchase train tickets online or at the station on the day of the trip. Lunch will be at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of LA(羅省中華會館), priced at $15 per adult and $10 per student. Please pay in advance via Zelle to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (include your child’s name in the memo) or submit payment at the school office this week. Advance payment will help us confirm headcounts and pre-order meals. Thank you for your cooperation! 

 If any families have not yet signed up but would like to join, please register as soon as possible at:  https://forms.gle/v7HKLVJ3adNKfLNj7 

I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday next week!